Basic support budget becomes the support allowance

On the 1st of January 2023, the basic support budget for children and young people up to 21 was changed into the support allowance. The basis support budget is part of the Vlaamse Sociale Bescherming (VSB) and was paid by a care fund until December 2022. Since January 2023, the support allowance is paid via the Groeipakket.

Extra support for children with disabilities or care needs

The support allowance, besides the care allowance, is an additional allowance for children with disabilities or a care need of at least 12 points on the medical-social scale. The support allowance aims to help the child and its family organise their own life and care, thus helping to improve the child's participation in society

Intersectorale toegangspoort (ITP)

Children who are entitled to a basic support budget on the 31st of December 2022 because they were on the waiting list of the Intersectorale Toegangspoort (ITP) on the 30th of June 2015 fall under a separate category without strict conditions.. They are not obligated to receive a care allowance and can get a support allowance up to the maximum age of 25.

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