Every family can announced or unannounced be inspected by a family inspector from the Agentschap Uitbetaling Groeipakket (VUTG). That agency carries out inspections on behalf of the five Groeipakket payment funds or on its own initiative. The family inspector must always present himself via his identity card.

The aim of the inspection is to check whether the amount of the Groeipakket is paid correctly or whether there is a right to a social allowance. For this purpose, the family inspector will ask the person(s) concerned questions. He may also request documents.

After the home visit, the family inspector returns the file to the payment fund. The latter takes a decision whether or not to adjust the payments based on the family inspector's findings. An adjustment may also be to your advantage. For example, the visit may show that you are entitled to a social allowance.

Inspections are carried out as per the following regulations:

  • the decreet van 19 januari 2018 houdende het overheidstoezicht in het kader van het gezondheids- en welzijnsbeleid
  • art. 4§4 van het Samenwerkingsakkoord tussen de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, het Waalse Gewest, de Gemeenschappelijke Gemeenschapscommissie en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap betreffende de Oprichting van het Interregionaal Orgaan voor de Gezinsbijslagen (ORINT). ORINT can regulate the Groeipakket/family allowances covering (potentially) different regions (Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders) within the framework of the regionalisation of child benefits.