The scale consists of 3 pillars and a number of fixed criteria

  • The physical and mental consequences of the condition or disability (Pillar 1 - PI)
  • The consequences for your child's daily life (mobility, learning ability, body care, etc.) (Pillar 2 - PII)
  • The consequences for the family (medical treatment, necessary travel, adaptation of the living environment, etc.) (Pijler 3 - PIII).

Your child can score a maximum of 36 points. The higher the score, the higher the amount of the care allowance. Your child is entitled to an allowance if they score at least four points for criterion 1 or at least six points for the three criteria together. 

How does the doctor determine physical or mental incapacity?

The doctor uses these 2 instruments to determine your child's incapacity percentage:

  • The list of paediatric conditions (annex 2 RD 28/03/2008)
  • The Official Belgian Scale for Determining the Degree of Invalidity (OBSI).

The percentage is converted into a point score from 0 to 6 points (see table medical-social scale).